Session 9 Recap: Trent Hunter, "New Creation"

Editor’s Note: Janice is a member of Desert Springs
Church in Albuquerque, NM. This post is a summary of Trent Hunter's message
from Sunday morning at Clarus, March 18, “New Creation.”

Trent began the final session of Clarus ‘18, teaching us about the New Creation as revealed in Revelation 21:1-8.

The Purpose Revelations

This book gives us a peak into eternity as John describes his vision of the new heaven and new earth. God’s new creation has come in the form of Jesus incarnate, in His people, and in His place. The already-not-yet becomes the-here-and-now.

Apocalyptic Literature- What is it and How Should it be Read?

Just like there are different rules to read and interpret various types of literature such as poetry, history, and sci-fi, so there are different rules we must follow to properly read apocalyptic literature. It is always written with a visionary layer, a symbolic layer, and a significance layer. Look for symbols and interpret them as such.

Engaging the Senses and Answering Four Questions

As John takes us through his vision in Revelation 21-22, and specifically Revelation 21:1-8, he engages our senses to answer four primary questions about this New Creation: What will we see? What will we hear? What will we feel? And what will we taste?

I. What will we see? (vs. 1-2)

  1. A real, physical world. It is not totally different from ours, but totally new and renewed. God’s renovation of the universe will not be incremental; it will be total, immediate, and perfect.

  2. The sea will be no more. The sea would have been a symbol of evil, a place where mysterious monsters lived and people tragically died. John proclaims a perfect place where evil reigns no more.

  3. A new city with a new bride. John mixes images. Jerusalem represents not only God’s place, but also His people.
    a. His people will be complete. In Rev. 21:9-14 John describes this church in multiples of twelve (see also Rev. 7). Twelve is a number used throughout Scripture as a number that defines who God’s people are: the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 disciples, the 12 apostles. John means to say that the church of Christ will be complete.

b. His people will be pure. All sides  of the walls of this city are described as being equal. The only other perfect square in the Bible is the Holy of Holies, where the High Priest alone could enter into God’s presence only after following special, specific rituals.This city will give His people uninhibited access to God’s perfect presence.

c. His people will be beautiful.

II. What will we hear? (vs. 3)

  “The dwelling place of God is with man.” God, who once told his people they were banished because of their sin, now welcomes them into His eternal presence because of His Son.

III. How will it feel? (vs. 4)

In the words of Hunter, “We will feel the end of our pain and the touch His finger on our cheek. Physical and emotional pains, the fear of death or the fear of loss, whatever makes you cry- it will all be gone.”

IV. How will it taste? (vs. 5-6)

John describes the promise of a life with no more thirst. Jesus said in John 4:14, “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.” In that day there will be no competition for our affection for Christ. We will be fully satisfied with Him.

V. Who gets in on this? (Vs. 7-8)

What the citizens of this new kingdom have in common is that their robes are washed in the blood of the Lamb.

VI. Our Eternal Hope

This vision in Revelation is meant to empower us in the Spirit to continue hanging on. We can hold fast to Christ’s promise in Rev. 22:20, “Surely I am coming soon.”