Session 5 Recap: Trent Hunter, “David”

Editor’s Note: Ethan Hester is the Preaching Pastor at Grace Bible Church, Las
Cruces, NM. He is a member of the Albuquerque Chapter of The Gospel
Coalition. This post is a summary of Trent Hunter’s message from Saturday
afternoon at Clarus, March 17, “David.”

Trent showed us how God’s covenant with David fits into the bigger picture of his covenant promises.

He took us to 2 Samuel 7, a chapter that he described in relation to baseball cards that he had collected in the 1980s, a time when everyone was collecting them  Due to the fact that there were so many in circulation, no rare cards exist today.  

Although there are hundreds of chapters in the bible, all of them are worthwhile.  But there are some that are especially important because they help us understand the rest of the Bible.  This 2 Timothy passage is the “Babe Ruth” of the Bible because it reveals what is to come. 

In this chapter we see three things: David’s blueprint, God’s blueprint, and then David’s revised blueprint.

David’s Blueprint

Before David’s story begins the nation is in turmoil due to the sin and unfaithfulness of the priesthood.  God had made provision for a king in his law so the people decided that they wanted a king for the nation of Israel.  After the disastrous reign of Saul, whom the people selected as king due to his physical appearance, God selected David as the king.  After a time of trial for David as he fled from Saul, we find him in 2 Samuel 7 at a place of peace.  Saul has died, and David is now in his rightful place as king.  

David wants to honor God by building a permanent structure to house the Ark of the Covenant.  The Lord rebukes David, not because his intention is wrong, but because he is forgetting his place in the relationship.  He reminds David that He is the one who has done all of the heavy-lifting in this relationship. He needs no one to build him a house. 


God’s Blueprint

The Lord reveals instead that He wants to build a house for David.  Not a physical house, but a family line.  A house of David that will continue forever.  This is a house that will come to fruition through another king because David will fall.


David’s Revised Blueprint

Responding humbly to this revelation, David revises his blueprint because he knows the story.  This allows him to say, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?”

Trent then helped us understand how this promise of God fits into the different covenants.

·      How does it fit with God’s covenant at creation?  This offspring of David will be God’s true son who perfectly represents his Father.  

·      How does it fit with God’s covenant with Abraham?  It fulfills God’s promise in Genesis 49:10 that the scepter will not depart from the house of David. 

·      How does it fit with Moses’s covenant?  This offspring is the king promised in Deuteronomy 17 who will know and keep the law. 

·      How does it look forward to Christ?  It describes the one spoken of by Solomon in Psalm 72, who will eventually be revealed to be Christ.

The world cries out, “Where can we find a king who can last, who can rule with compassion?”  God answers, “He is coming in the person of Christ.”


Ethan Hester